
This light has drawn the blind.

English finals make me stressy. I should remember next time to stop writing when the anxiety attack starts. It was fine though. I finished early. I picked up my play, which was also fine. That leads me to believe that my drama mark, which was not posted when I went to pick up said play, will be fine as well. I ate a grilled cheese, watched some O.C., and now I feel much better about life.

Tonight my sister changed my mother's MSN name from Susan to Bridgemaniac!!. My mother barely knows how to use MSN and won't be able to figure out how to change it back. My sister will be gone all weekend and my mother's bridge partner Sammy is going to laugh really, really hard when he sees it. Not all of you will find this hilarious, but it is. I miss that girl.
Bridgamaniac!! says:
goood for u, do a mr.clean hi five
Bridgamaniac!! says:
u dont need ppopoopoy pooping up ur life
girl says:
what the hell is a mr. clean hi five?
Bridgamaniac!! says:
when the lady in the commercial high fives the wall because hes not actually there

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